Gambler Wins Two Jackpots in One Day at California Casino
Oregon is expecting some improvement for Gambling Revenue with New Slot Machines and Congratulations to the to jackpot winner in California Casino. There are lots of Casinos all over the world. Businessmen or owners of these Casinos made a stiff competition so that lots of gamblers will come to their casino very comfortable to play because of the good facilities that are offered to use when playing. Therefore, the managers in the casino will always check the facilities that are used in gaming every now and then in order that there will be no complains from the customer playing or from the gamblers as well.
There is a casino that has a complain regarding the Slot Machine. Oregon state that if something is not functioning with the machine of course the income from the business remains stagnant or not increasing for a couple of months, the manager must do some action regarding that problem. There must be a new bees or advertise new promotion at a casino so that gamblers may come to experience the new facilities in the casino. Oregon Lottery has also plans and expecting some improvement for the gambling revenue with new slot machines. In this way, the machines slot machines can boost the interest of the people playing in the casino especially the gamblers. The state has four hundred new slot-type games that were installed in many bars around the country. It is expected also that because of this new slot-type games that were installed in the state it will guide to have more over 2.000 new machines that will come in many bars or cafés and taverns throughout the country of Oregon . The Oregon Lottery will be the first to make improvements of the facilities in the casino, hoping also that the other casino bar will follow to purchase some new slots machines with this revenue trend. Lottery Director Dale Pern, said that with these new slot machines that has been placed in the casino will encourage other players to come and to play more and to those players that with discouragement will come back. Maybe then, the current economic condition in the US agreed also with the improvement of Gambling Revenue.
The Oregon Lottery Spokeswoman Mary Loftin said that “the gambling industry in the US thought the years has an idea that there is a decline in economic activity because some of the casino bars across the country lottery sales are down. But the decline of the economic activities in the gambling industry has changed. Because of this recession, the lottery sales and casino gambling had also experiences of the declining economy in the casino. In Atlantic City and Las Vegas first time experiencing this kind of recession, they have never involved with this before. Last January, there is a law that state about smoking. The law states that smoking in any casino bar is prohibited. Maybe this is one of the reasons why there is a decline on economic activities around casino bars. Oregon Lottery bars claim also that because of the law that it forbids the gamblers to smoke around the casino that effect last January affect the decrease in the gaming revenue. But there are some of casino bars who abide from not smoking had lots of customers compared to those who follow. Oregon said again that some of their customers transferred to other casino bars that do not follow the gambling laws of not smoking inside the area.
On the other hand, on of the casinos in the state California had stand out because something happened at the Table Mountain Casino outside of Fresno . There was a man playing a slot machine and when the bells started to ring the man began to rise up high because he won a jackpot prize of $13,000. The gambler was so happy and very lucky winning the jackpot but he was not contented for the prize he won. The gambler was not yet finished, so he continue to play on the second round. After a couple of hours, luckily he hit the second jackpot of $28,106.37. For the information of everybody, you must hold a Player’s Club card issued by the Table Mountain Casino in order for you to play and become the next jackpot winner in the Table Mountain Casino.
The President and CEO of Table Mountain Casino, John Mayewski states that he was very happy to see that in his casino there was a lucky man who won two impressive jackpots in just one day and the event was so memorable that happen in his casino. According to him it is a very exciting event to see a very loyal guest win especially winning big jackpots in one day. Usually, in US casinos, there is a variations of jackpots to hit just in one day only, but most casinos has a range of hundreds of thousands to one. Most casino bars in the US still trying to overcome problem because of the current economy in the state. This is the reason why many casinos go and run larger promotions than they are not usually do it before.